With a Focus on Siege Worlds Zero – Ethereum (SW0-E)
Now that we have started generating the unique covers for Siege Worlds Zero, many people are wondering which will be more valuable than the other. The market will decide, but here, I’ll list a few ways that I think the collectors community will evaluate:
The obvious one is by Tier. Generally our tiers will be arranged as follows:
- Common (Gold/Brown)
- Uncommon (Green)
- Rare (Blue)
- Epic (Purple)
- Legendary (Red)
- Divine (White)
- Mystic (Pink) – Polygon Only
- Rainbow – Polygon Only
- Apocalyptic (Black) – Polygon Only
We may throw some surprises in there, but will try to stick with this so that collectors can easily identify their LightningWorks items.
Mint Number
Many people think that lower numbers could be seen as more valuable, especially top-10 or #1. Also, special numbers that people like, such as:
- 069
- 420
- 666
- 777
- 888
- 1000
- 7777
- Etc…
We’ll see what happens and if anyone really will pay more for them. But so far even the staff have been trying to get their favorite numbers for portals and Siege Worlds Zero
Character Configurations
For Siege Worlds Zero on Ethereum and Polygon, the assortment of characters is random, and particular groupings of characters are already seen as most valuable, such as:
- All Six Characters
- Bonnie Only
- All Three Females Only
Each of these has approximately 1 in 32 chance (3%) of appearing. They would perhaps be more valuable if they also include other rare traits, such as a higher tier, or in the case of an Only-Bonnie cover, if she’s got a lot of rare traits in her costume or hair, it might get a lot of interest.

Maybe other favorites will come out over time, and we will do different cover types for other comics so each may have its own type of value.
Rare Traits On the Covers
It will vary by comic, but for Siege Worlds Zero, we generally have made the clothing of the character more rare based upon the following color scheme:
- Most common – Brown or Gold
- Medium – Black
- Least Common – Red
So basically, if you see a lot of red outfits, it’s probably very unlikely. Will the market see it this way? Hard to tell right now. Over time, we may see collectors quietly buying up all the Red Outfits of their favorite character or something like that o make it more scarce.
Ultra Rare or 1-of-1 Covers
We will try to prepare some unique or Ultra Rare covers for most launches. Something interesting and extra special, so that even a Common, whose cover hasn’t been revealed yet, could be something special and collectible. This gives us to reveal processes… first to discover the tier, and then second to discover the cover, and each could be something highly sought after.

Here are the first three Ultra Rare covers for Siege Worlds Zero (Ethereum) that I saw:
For the Siege Worlds Zero Ethereum, here’s a list of the likelihood of each of the Ultra-Rare covers to be minted:
- All 6 Characters
- Bonnie Only
- Toshiro and Nakano
- Koraka and Bonnie
- Flamma
- Three Women Only
- Secret Character Cover
The first of these is the most likely of the Ultra Rares, and the last is the most unlikely. However, we don’t yet know how many of each of these ultimately will be minted. It could be that the rarity doesn’t work out like the list above. And, some of these may not be minted at all. Once all, or most of the covers have minted, hopefully someone will make a list and we’ll know which have become the most rare.
Special Covers
In addition to all that… we may or may not have included some very extra special possible covers that people may find valuable… super rare traits on hair, faces, clothing, etc. It may take months or years before anyone notices some of them.
You may accidentally sell or forge something that turns out to be very valuable in the future! So, keep your eyes open and it should be fun to see what the community finds hidden within our comics that they may not expect…